This post includes a comprehensive list of 100 adjectives that start with c. An adjective is a part of speech that qualifies as a noun or pronoun. It explains something more about the noun or a pronoun. Adjectives are the content words in English grammar. Content words add to the language with time and act as open-class words.

Let’s have a look at some adjectives that start with C:
No. | Adjectives | Meaning |
1 | Cacophonous | A harsh or annoying sound |
2 | Cagey | Not forthcoming or honest |
3 | Calamitous | A total disaster |
4 | Calculating | Scheming or ruthless way of acting |
5 | Callous | Unfeeling or uncaring |
6 | Calming | Freeing from stress |
7 | Candescent | Glowing with intense heat and light |
8 | Canny | Careful with money |
9 | Canonical | Well-established patterns and laws |
10 | Cantankerous | Always quarreling and unpleasant |
11 | Capacious | Able to contain a lot |
12 | Capricious | Having wild, unpredictable mood changes |
13 | Captivating | Attracting and holding one’s interest |
14 | Carefree | Without troubles or worries |
15 | Careless | Not being careful, having errors |
16 | Casual | Not planned or formal |
17 | Catastrophic | Unfortunate or damaging |
18 | Caustic | A mean and hurtful comment or person |
19 | Catchy | Catching your attention and easily remembered |
20 |
Cathartic |
Releasing emotional tension |
21 | Cautionary | Warning |
22 | Cautious | Avoiding danger |
23 | Cavalier | Casually dismissive |
24 | Cavernous | Resembling a cavern; vast |
25 | Ceaseless | Without end |
26 | Celebrated | Known for one’s accomplishments |
27 | Celestial | Having to do with the skies or the heavens |
28 | Cerebral | Appealing to the intellect |
29 | Certain | Knowing something without a doubt |
30 | Cerulean | A shade of deep blue |
31 | Challenging | Requiring all of one’s abilities |
32 | Chalky | Drained of color |
33 | Chance | Not planned |
34 | Charismatic | Skilled at attracting attention |
35 | Charitable | Generous toward others |
36 | Charming | Enjoyable to spend time with |
37 | Cheeky | Cutely mischievous |
38 | Cheerful | Filled with good spirits |
39 | Cherished | Deeply loved |
40 |
Cherubic |
Resembling an angel |
41 | Chic | Elegant or fashionable |
42 | Childish | Acting more like a child than an adult |
43 | Childlike | Innocent and unaffected |
44 | Chirping | A high-pitched noise that a bird would make |
45 | Chivalrous | Considerate of others’ needs |
46 | Chronic | Occurring over a long period of time |
47 | Chuffed | Very proud and pleased |
48 | Chummy | Comfortably friendly |
49 | Churlish | Rude to others |
50 | Citrusy | Smelling of oranges or lemons |
51 | Clairvoyant | Having great perception and insight into the future |
52 | Clandestine | Kept secret or hidden |
53 | Clanging | A loud, repetitive banging sound |
54 | Classless | The opposite of classy or composed |
55 | Clever | Intelligent and quick-witted |
56 | Clinical | Cooly analytical |
57 | Cloudless | A clear, sunny sky |
58 | Clueless | Doesn’t understand, completely lost |
59 | Clumsy | Awkward, moves without elegance |
60 | Coarse | Scratchy and rough |
61 | Coastal | Relating to the beach or shore |
62 | Cold-blooded | Unfeeling towards others |
63 | Combative | Always looking for a fight |
64 | Comely | Attractive in appearance |
65 | Commonplace | Happening all the time |
66 | Compassionate | Feeling kindly toward others |
67 | Compendious | Stating the essentials in a concise way |
68 | Complaisant | Willing to please others |
69 | Complementary | Going well together |
70 | Complete | Finished or unbroken |
71 | Complex | Having many parts |
72 | Comprehensive | Complete, including all elements |
73 | Composed | Showing composure and poise |
74 | Conceited | Having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself |
75 |
Conciliatory |
Eager to keep the peace |
76 | Conniving | Always scheming; untrustworthy |
77 | Contemptible | Worthy of hatred |
78 | Conscientious | Doing what is right and proper |
79 | Conservative | Having traditional views and opposing sudden change |
80 | Consummate | A complete master or professional |
81 | Contrary | Constantly disagreeing |
82 | Conventional | Not unusual or extreme |
83 | Cordial | Formally pleasant |
84 | Corny | Sweet and sentimental to the point of annoyance |
85 | Corrupt | Willing to act dishonestly for personal gain |
86 | Cosmic | Relating to the universe |
87 | Courageous | Brave; undeterred by danger or pain |
88 | Cozy | A warm, comfortable feeling |
89 | Courteous | Having polite manners toward others |
90 | Covetous | Obsessed with what others have |
91 | Clairvoyant | Having great perception and insight into the future |
92 | Clandestine | Kept secret or hidden |
93 | Clanging | A loud, repetitive banging sound |
94 | Classless | The opposite of classy or composed |
95 | Clever | Intelligent and quick-witted |
96 | Clinical | Cooly analytical |
97 | Crackling | A snapping sound |
98 | Craggy | A rocky edge or surface |
99 | Creamy | Having the thick texture of cream |
100 | Creative | Involving the imagination |
Adjectives for Girls that start with the letter C:
- Creative
- Calm
- Competent
- Compassionate
- Captivating
- Courteous
- Courageous
- Cordial
- Composed
- Complaisant
Final Words:
This post gives a comprehensive list of 100 adjectives that start with C. For more lectures on grammar, please click on the link below: