70 Verbs that Start with P

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 70 Verbs that Start with P. So, let’s begin:

Verbs that start with P
Verbs that start with P

A verb is an essential element in a sentence as without a verb, there can be no sentence. In this article, I have included the most commonly used verbs starting with p.

Verbs starting with P
Verbs starting with P

Examples of Action Verbs:

Run, walk, play, come, go, etc.

Examples of State Verbs:

Sleep, hear, see, own, possess, taste, etc.

State of Being Verbs and Action Verbs
State of Being Verbs and Action Verbs

Here is a list of 70 verbs that start with p:


Present Form

Past Form

Past Participle Form

Present Participle Form

3rd Person Singular Form

1 Pin Pinned Pinned Pinning Pins
2 Put Put Put Putting Puts
3 Pay Paid Paid Paying Pays
4 Pop Popped Popped Popping Pops
5 Pick Picked Picked Picking Picks
6 Plug Plugged Plugged Plugging Plugs
7 Peel Peeled Peeled Peeling Peels
8 Pray Prayed Prayed Praying Prays
9 Pull Pulled Pulled Pulling Pulls
10 Plan Planned Planned Planning Plans
11 Part Parted Parted Parting Parts
12 Play Played Played Playing Plays
13 Park Parked Parked Parking Parks
14 Push Pushed Pushed Pushing Pushes
15 Pour Poured Poured Pouring Pours
16 Pass Passed Passed Passing Passes
17 Post Posted Posted Posting Posts
18 Paint Painted Painted Painting Paints
19 Predict Predicted Predicted Predicting Predicts
20 Pacify Pacified Pacified Pacifying Pacifies







22 Press Pressed Pressed Pressing Presses
23 Print Printed Printed Printing Prints
24 Punch Punched Punched Punching Punches
25 Publish Published Published Publishing Publishes
26 Paste Pasted Pasted Pasting Pastes
27 Place Placed Placed Placing Places
28 Penetrate Penetrated Penetrated Penetrating Penetrates
29 Perceive Perceived Perceived Perceiving Perceives
30 Persist Persisted Persisted Persisting Persists
31 Pledge Pledged Pledged Pledging Pledges
32 Persuade Persuaded Persuaded Persuading Persuades
33 Possess Possessed Possessed Possessing Possesses
34 Participate Participated Participated Participating Participates
35 Prepay Prepaid Prepaid Prepaying Prepays
36 Promote Promoted Promoted Promoting Promotes
37 Punch Punched Punched Punching Punches
38 Provide Provided Provided Providing Provides
39 Protect Protected Protected Protecting Protects
40 Promise Promised Promised Promising Promises
41 Point Pointed Pointed Pointing Points
42 Practice Practiced Practiced Practicing Practices
43 Prepare Prepared Prepared Preparing Prepares
44 Pretend Pretended Pretended Pretending Pretends
45 Prevent Prevented Prevented Preventing Prevents
46 Produce Produced Produced Producing Produces
47 Permit Permitted Permitted Permitting Permits
48 Perform Performed Performed Performing Performs
49 Punish Punished Punished Punishing Punishes
50 Preserve Preserved Preserved Preserving Preserves
51 Pose Posed Posed Posing Poses
52 Praise Praised Praised Praising Praises
53 Prefer Preferred Preferred Preferring Prefers
54 Present Presented Presented Presenting Presents
55 Proceed Proceeded Proceeded Proceeding Proceeds
56 Prohibit Prohibited Prohibited Prohibiting Prohibits
57 Prompt Prompted Prompted Prompting Prompts
58 Prove Proved Proved Proving Proves
59 Propose Proposed Proposed Proposing Proposes
60 Purify Purified Purified Purifying Purifies
61 Purchase Purchased Purchased Purchasing Purchases
62 Pursue Pursued Pursued Pursuing Pursues
63 Pace Paced Paced Pacing Paces
64 Pack Packed Packed Packing Packs
65 Paddle Paddled Paddled Paddling Paddles
66 Pair Paired Paired Pairing Pairs
67 Palliate Palliated Palliated Palliating Palliates
68 Pamper Pampered Pampered Pampering Pampers
69 Paralyze Paralyzed Paralyzed Paralyzing Paralyzes
70 Paraphrase Paraphrased Paraphrased Paraphrasing Paraphrases

Frequently Asked Questions on Verbs with P:

Q1: What is an action verb?

Ans: An action verb is a verb that shows a physical action or activity.

Q2: What is a state verb?

Ans: A verb that shows a state of being or a condition.

Q3: What are some verbs starting with the letter p?

Ans: These are as follows:

  1. Pin
  2. Pop
  3. Pick
  4. Pat
  5. Push
  6. Pack
  7. Part
  8. Pose
  9. Plug
  10. Pray
  11. Play
  12. Point
  13. Print
  14. Post
  15. Posit

Q5: What are some verbs end with ing?

Ans: Verbs end with ing are as follows:

  1. Paying
  2. Putting
  3. Pinning
  4. Pasting
  5. Painting
  6. Posting
  7. Printing
  8. Pushing
  9. Pointing
  10. Praying

Q6: What are verbs with ing at the end?

Ans: The verbs that end with ing are known as present participles and their examples include pouring, painting, placing, planning, and printing.

Q7: Is is a verb?

Ans: Yes, is is a verb. It is called a linking verb or helping verb in English Grammar.

Q8: What are verbs with p?

Ans: Some verbs with p are: push, pull, part, park, and press.

Final Words:

This post gave a comprehensive list of verbs starting with ‘p’. It also provided the definitions and examples of actions and state verbs and mentioned some frequently asked questions related to the concept of verbs.

For more information about English grammar and for lectures on English language learning, you can watch videos on ESL Infinite’s YouTube channel.

About Miss. Faiza

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