An adjective is a part of speech that describes something more about a noun or pronoun. It gives additional information about a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives are the content words in English grammar and this post includes a detailed list of Adjectives that Start with L and positive adjectives that start with L. Content words add to the language with time and act as open-class words. They act as free lexical morphemes in the field of linguistics.
Let’s have a look at some adjectives that start with ‘L’:

Adjectives with L:
Low | Leafy | Labeled | Laudable |
Lit | Laced | Lacelike | Likable |
Lazy | Labial | Lacking | Limbless |
Live | Laden | Languid | Limited |
Last | Lactic | Laconic | Linguistic |
Less | Large | Lapsed | Lifeless |
Lean | Legal | Ladylike | Lifelike |
Late | Least | Languid | Lifelong |
Lacy | Lethal | Likely | Lecherous |
Lame | Lesser | Linear | Legendary |
Last | Larger | Lined | Leakproof |
Left | Liable | Leafless | Lacklustre |
Less | Latter | Leaflike | Labyrinthian |
Lost | Largest | Lethargic | Labyrinthine |
Long | Latest | Laborious | Legitimate |
Lone | Latent | Lacerated | Languishing |
Loud | Lateral | Lachrymal | Labor-intensive |
Lush | Lavish | Labored | Lachrymose |
Lucky | Liberal | Laboring | Lamentable |
Loyal | Lexical | Learned | Lamentable |
Lofty | Legible | Leased | Large-scale |
Local | Leaking | Layered | Languishing |
Lilac | Legend | Laryngeal | Laughable |
Light | Lengthy | Lascivious | Left-handed |
Little | Lashing | Lavender | Left-wing |
Linked | Lenient | Legislative | Leftover |
Literal | Lawful | Large-scale | Left-handed |
Lifted | Laminal | Limitless | Like-minded |
Lively | Lawless | Lingering | Literate |
Liquid | Lasting | Lingual | Literary |
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: What are some adjectives starting with ‘L’?
Ans: Some adjectives with ‘L’ are as follows:
- Livid
- Living
- Locked
- Loaded
- Logical
- Lobular
- Located
- Logistic
- Localized
- Locatable
Q2: What positive adjectives start with the letter ‘L’?
Ans: These adjectives are as follows:
- Live
- Loyal
- Lucky
- Lively
- Loved
- Lovely
- Loving
- Literate
- Lenient
- Loveable
Q3: What negative adjectives start with the letter ‘L’?
- Low
- Lazy
- Lost
- Lone
- Last
- Late
- Lifeless
- Limbless
- Leftover
- Limitless
Final Words:
This post includes 120 adjectives that start with L in English. For more lessons on English grammar, visit our website by clicking the link given below: