This post includes a comprehensive list of Adjectives that Start with V and some positive adjectives that start with V. An adjective is a word that adds to the meaning of a noun or pronoun, modifies it, or describes it.
Good, bad, long, short, red, wide, two, etc.
This is a good book.
I like the red color.
The tail of the parrot is long.
Two wide feet.
Good, red, long, and wide are adjectives in the above sentences.
Parts of speech in English are divided into two categories: content words and function words. Content words are open-class words, and over time, more and more words are added to content words. Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs are known as content words. On the other hand, function words are close-class words. No new words can be added to this class; examples are pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
Adjectives Starting with V:

Now, let’s have a look at adjectives that start with V:
Vast | Vocal | Vexed | Valuable |
Vain | Vague | Virulent | Versatile |
Vital | Vulgar | Vulpine | Vivacious |
Vivid | Violent | Volatile | Venerable |
Vapid | Veggie | Volcanic | Vocational |
Visual | Venial | Virtuous | Valedictory |
Verbal | Variant | Visaged | Venomous |
Votive | Vagrant | Vibratory | Vagabond |
Varied | Verbose | Vicennial | Voiceless |
Versed | Variable | Viewless | Villainous |
Vibrant | Vestiary | Vexatious | Vitiliginous |
Vertical | Vaporific | Viridescent | Voluptuous |
Veteran | Vengeful | Vulnerable | Vegetarian |
Q1: What are some positive adjectives that start with v?
Ans: Positive adjectives are as follows: vital, vast, vivid, vibrant, virtuous, and versatile.
Q2: What is a distributive adjective?
Ans: A distributive adjective is a type of adjective that denotes the group members individually. For instance, the word ‘each’ is a distributive adjective in the sentence:
‘Each person got their lunch’.
The word ‘every’ is a distributive adjective in the sentence:
He gave a bone to every dog at the park.
The most commonly used distributive adjectives are:
- each
- every
- either
- neither
- any
- both
Q3: What are adjectives to describe a person?
Ans: These are versatile, virtuous, vibrant, Veteran, Vegetarian, violent, and vocal.
Q4: What are coordinate adjectives?
Ans: Coordinate adjectives are two or more adjectives having equal value. They are used to describe the same noun. They are separated by the word ‘and’ or a comma. Examples include:
Tall and handsome boy
Pretty and intelligent girl
Short, happy girl
The underlined words are coordinate adjectives.
Final Words:
This post includes a detailed list of adjectives that start with V and some positive adjectives that start with v. Adjectives are defined as words that modify nouns or pronouns. For more lectures on English Grammar, click on the link given below and visit our website: