FPSC CSS Pakistan: CSS Essay

This post includes an introduction of the FPSC CSS Pakistan: CSS Essay on the topic ‘Social Media Pros and Cons’.

Introduction to the Essay Topic: Social Media Pros and Cons

Now, let’s start with the FPSC CSS Pakistan: CSS Essay:

[For CSS, PMS, and Other Competitive Exams]


A TV anchor interviews a girl living on the road somewhere in Lahore. The girl is a drug addict and tells her miserable story to the anchor. The story goes viral on the internet overnight and the girl gets help from a worthy businessman. This is the power of social media. Was it possible without social media? Obviously, no. It is the miracle of social media and interactive technology that facilitates the creation and sharing of ideas, information, and any other expression through virtual networks. It has revolutionized the field of communication and has connected the people in the whole world.

Another important blessing of social media is its facilitation in education. News updates keep people informed and updated about the events happening in the world. Health facilities have so much improved that a doctor is now just a call away from a patient and one can get medicine at one’s doorstep.

The promotion of businesses is not a headache as social media provides multiple sources to promote businesses. The sad fact is that social media is not only a twinkling brightness but also deep darkness. Cybercrimes are a fruit of social media that are causing problems for people of all ages and at all levels. Where there is a sea of news on social media; some news is true while many others are fake spreading misinformation and causing harm. Time is a precious weapon but, when it comes to social media, people waste lots of time without any productive use of it.

Excessive use of social media causes health problems like eye diseases, vision problems, and many others. An extremely dangerous outcome of social media is the spread of vulgarity through objectionable content, exploiting children and youngsters the most. Thus, social media is a great innovation of the modern world having blessings like revolutionized communication, education facilitation, improved health facilities, business promotions, latest news, and many more but, it also causes hazards in the form of cybercrimes, the spread of vulgarity, health issues, time wastage, fake news and miscellaneous others exploiting people of all ages living in any part of the world.

Finally, for more CSS essays on different topics, visit our website.

About Miss. Faiza

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