Nouns that Start with C

A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are the content words in English grammar and this post includes some nouns that start with C. Content words add up to the language with the passage of time and act as open-class words.

Nouns that start with C
Nouns that start with C

Examples of Nouns:

Noun is a part of speech and the knowledge of nouns helps you to improve your English language vocabulary. Some examples of nouns include boy, table, Ahmed, Islamabad, boat, truth, bravery, and so on. These are the focal building blocks in the grammar of a language.

Nouns as Subject and Objects:

Nouns are used as the subjects or objects in a sentence and for communication, subjects, and objects are very essential. Let’s explore some of the nouns that start with C:

3 Letter Nouns 4 Letter Nouns 5 Letter Nouns Other Nouns
Car Call Cream Caller
Cat Care Crown Collar
Cap Crow Clown Cellar
Can Corn Coats Coffee
Cab Cell Court Cities
Cop Camp Class Children
Cot Cats Clamp Colors
Con Cars Crane Crunch
Cup Cone Clubs Course
Cut Caps Combs Company

Frequently Asked Questions on Nouns Starting with ‘C’:

Q1: What is a noun that starts with c?

Ans: The following nouns start with the letter c:

  1. Car
  2. Cap
  3. Can
  4. Call
  5. Care
  6. Camp
  7. Caller
  8. Crown
  9. Clown
  10. Company

Q2: What is a concrete noun?

Ans: A noun that has a physical existence is known as a concrete noun. Examples of concrete nouns include table, man, pencil, girl, chair, and so on.

Q3: What is a possessive noun?

Ans: A possessive noun shows possession, ownership, or direct connection. It is denoted by the apostrophe (s) or ‘s. For instance, the student’s bag, the girl’s purse, etc.

Q4: Is I a noun?

Ans: No, ‘I’ is not a noun rather it is a pronoun. ‘I’ is called a first-person pronoun.

Final Words:

This post gave a comprehensive list of nouns starting with ‘c’. Along with this, it also provided the definitions and examples of nouns and it mentions some frequently asked questions related to the concept of nouns.

For more information about English grammar and for lectures on English language learning, you can watch videos on ESL Infinite’s YouTube channel.


About Miss. Faiza

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