Present Continuous Tense in Hindi

This post includes a comprehensive detail of the Present Continuous Tense in Hindi and it also includes the present continuous tense examples in Hindi. Present Continuous tense shows/indicates that an action is happening now, in the middle of, continue, right now, and nowadays. It is also called progressive tense.

Let’s look at the definition of the Present Continuous Tense in Hindi:

वर्तमान सतत काल दर्शाता/संकेत देता है कि कोई क्रिया अभी, बीच में, जारी, अभी और आजकल हो रही है। इसे प्रगतिशील काल भी कहते हैं।

vartamaan satat kaal darshaata/sanket deta hai ki koee kriya abhee, beech mein, jaaree, abhee aur aajakal ho rahee hai. ise pragatisheel kaal bhee kahate hain.

Present Continuous Tense in Hindi
Present Continuous Tense in Hindi

Present Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi:

वह दौड़ रहा है।
vah daud raha hai.
वह खाना खा रही है.
vah khaana kha rahee hai.

John is living in a haunted house at the moment. Now he is scaring people who are visiting. Ali is making frightening voices right now. Sara is not sleeping at the moment. Ahmed is staying awake today so that he is not missing a chance to terrify visitors. Now he is not walking or even running-he is floating near the ceiling. He is invisible. When he is wearing his skeleton costume today, you can say that his heart is beating underneath. Today he is feasting on dead bats and spiders for breakfast. He is thinking too.

(In the above paragraph, the underlined expressions show present continuous/present progressive tense)

Present Continuous Tense Hindi to English:

वह दौड़ रहा है।

vah daud raha hai.
He is running.

वह खाना खा रही है.

vah khaana kha rahee hai.
She is eating food.

Structure of Present continuous/progressive tense:

Structure of Positive/Affirmative Sentences

Subject + Is/are/am + First form of verb + ing (Present participle) + Object

HE/SHE/IT/Singular Noun= is




He is running.

She is eating food.

It is raining here.

Sadia is drinking milk.

I am making pots.

We are playing football.

They are taking tea.

The boys are reading a book.

Structure of Negative Sentences:

Subject + Is/are/am + Not + First form of verb + ing (Present participle) + Object


He is not running.

She is not eating food.

It is not raining here.

Sadia is not drinking milk.

I am not making pots.

We are not playing football.

They are not taking tea.

Boys are not reading a book.

Structure of Interrogative Sentences:

Is/are/am + Subject + First form of verb + ing (Present participle) + Object?


Is he running?

Am I making pots?

Are we playing football?

Structure of  WH family Interrogative Sentences:

WH family Question Word + Is/are/am + Subject + First form of verb + ing (Present participle) + Object?


Why is he running?

Where is She eating food?

When is It raining here?

Why is Sadia drinking milk?

How am I making pots?

When are we playing football?

Where are they taking tea?

How are Boys reading a book?

Structure of Present Continuous/progressive tense Summarized:

Subject Auxiliary Verb   Main Verb Object
I am   eating fruit
We are   calling him.
You are   writing letter
They are not taking bath
Children are not making noise
She is not telling lie
Is he   singing song
Is it   happening  
Is Sara   dancing  
Structure of Present Continuous Tense (Positive, Negative & Interrogative sentence)


This tense is used in the following situations:

Unfinished Actions:

I am working at the moment.

Temporary Situations:

He is living in London.

Temporary Habits:

He is eating a lot these days.

Annoying Habits:

You are always losing your keys.

Definite Future Plans:

I am meeting my father tomorrow.

States in Present Continuous/Progressive Tense:

“State verbs do not have a continuous form.

What is a State verb?

A stative verb is a verb used primarily to describe a state of being (I am) or situation (I have).

It’s how something is, feels, or appears. …

The situations illustrated by “state” verbs are unchanging while they last and can continue for a long or indefinite time period.

Examples of State Verbs:

Verbs of Feeling Verbs of Thinking Verbs of Senses Others
Love Believe See Possess
Hate Consider Taste Have
Like Decide Touch Own
Dislike Dream Hear Contain
Adore Forget Smell Belong
Prefer Remember Seem Consist
Want Guess Feel Include
Desire Know Look Be
Appreciate Realize Listen Owe
State Verbs

Urdu to English translation of present Continuous / Progressive tense:

وہ کھانا کھا رہا ہے۔

وہ بھاگ رہی ہے۔

احمد ٹی وی دیکھ رہاہے۔

میں چل رہا ہوں۔

He is eating food.

She is running.

Ahmed is watching TV.

I am walking.

ہم جا نہیں رہے ہیں

لڑکیاں سچ نہیں بول رہیں

کیا بچے شور مچا رہے ہیں؟

کیا وہ کرکٹ کھیل رہے ہیں؟

We are not going?

Girls are not speaking the truth.

Are children making noise?

Are they playing cricket?

Final Words

This article explains the present continuous tense in detail. For the video lecture, you can check the link given below:

About Miss. Faiza

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