Present Perfect Tense in Hindi

This post includes a comprehensive explanation of Present Perfect Tense in Hindi along with present perfect tense examples in Hindi. The present perfect tells us about the past and present.

“The aircraft has landed.”

The aircraft has landed means that the aircraft is on the ground.

Let’s have a look at Present Perfect Tense in Hindi:

वर्तमान परिपूर्ण हमें अतीत और वर्तमान के बारे में बताता है।

vartamaan paripoorn hamen ateet aur vartamaan ke baare mein bataata hai.

Present Perfect Tense in Hindi
Present Perfect Tense in Hindi

What is Present Perfect Tense?

The present perfect tells us about the past and present.

“The aircraft has landed.”

The aircraft has landed means that the aircraft is on the ground.

Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi:

“विमान उतर चुका है।” विमान उतर चुका है यानी विमान ज़मीन पर है.

“vimaan utar chuka hai.” vimaan utar chuka hai yaanee vimaan zameen par hai.

Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi
Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi

Use of Present Perfect Tense:

When we use the present perfect, we see things 1) as happening in the past and 2) as having a result in the present.


We have washed the dishes. ( They are clean now)

The aircraft has landed. (It is on the ground now.)

We have eaten all the eggs. (There are not any left.)

You have broken this watch. (It is not working.)

Structure of Present Perfect Tense:

Affirmative/Positive Sentence

Subject + Has/Have + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

Negative Sentence

Subject + Has/Have + not + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

Interrogative Sentence

Has/Have + Subject + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

WH Interrogative Sentence

WH word + Has/Have + Subject + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

Has Or Have?

He, She, It, Singular Nouns = Has

I, We, You, They, Plural Nouns = Have

Examples of Present Perfect Tense:

Affirmative/Positive Sentence

She has changed the dress.

Negative Sentence

She has not changed the dress.

Interrogative Sentence

Has she changed the dress?

WH Interrogative Sentence

Why has she changed the dress?

Present Perfect Tense Urdu & English Translation

English Translation Urdu Translation
Ahmed has slept. احمد سو چکا ہے۔
He has not reached there. وہ وہاں پہنچ نہیں چکا ہے۔
Has he eaten food? ?کیا وہ کھانا کھا چکا ہے
Where has he gone? ?وہ کہاں جا چکا ہے
Urdu & English Translation

Time Expressions in Present Perfect Tense








First time

the second time, etc.


This week, etc.

Time Expressions Meanings in English & Urdu

Time Expression Meaning in English Meaning in Urdu
Just A Short Time Ago ابھی ابھی
Already Sooner than Expected توقع سے پہلے ہی
Yet Expecting something to happen ابھی تک
Time Expressions of Past Perfect Tense
Time Expression Meaning in English Meaning in Urdu
For How long this period is? کتنا عرصہ
Since When does the period begin? متعین یا اشارہ کردہ وقت کے بعد
Ever In your life up to the present time ابھی تک
Never No + Ever کبھی نہیں
Time Expressions of Past Perfect Tense
Time Expression Meaning in Urdu
This/It is the first/second etc. time ایسا پہلی/دوسری بار ہوا ہے
Today آج
This week/month/year اس ہفتے/مہینے/سال
Time Expressions of Past Perfect Tense

Placement of Time Expressions in the Sentence:

Just and Already are placed Before the Past Participle:


We have just come back from Lahore.

Sara has already completed the task.

Yet is placed At the end of a question or negative sentence


Ali has not arrived yet.

Have you completed your course yet?

Ever is used in questions only.


Have you ever visited England?

For & Since are used with states.

Since: point of time

For: Period of time


She has known me since 1999.

We have owned this place for three years.

Use of Time Expressions:

It is/This is the First Time/second time etc.

This is the first time we have seen this.

Today, This week/month/year, etc.

He has come here today.

I have not watched television this week.

Gone to VS Been to

Sara has gone to Lahore. (Means she is still in Lahore)

She has been to Lahore. (Means she went to Lahore but has come back now)

Final Words

This article is about the Present Perfect Tense. For the video lecture, click on the video link below:

About Miss. Faiza

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