
This category includes Miscellaneous posts on different topics including vocabulary, grammar, linguistics, and competitive exams in English. The main topics include parts of speech and  vocabulary from alphabet A to Z. Some others are tenses, sentence structure, verbs, nouns, adjectives, and essay writing. CSS and PMS English, discourse studies, linguistics, syntax, letter writing, application writing, and quotations for essay topics are also there.

The vocabulary section includes 5 letter words that start with the alphabet A to Z. The tenses section includes all 3 tenses present, past,, and future along with all 4 aspects i.e. indefinite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous. The verbs section includes 5 letter verbs that start with the alphabet A to Z. The nouns and adjectives sections consist of posts explaining 5-letter nouns and adjectives from all 26 alphabetss in English. The essay section includes full fledged essasy on topics: corruption is the root cause of all evils, democracy in Pakistan: hopes and hurdles, the CPEC is expected totransformmPositivelyy the whole socio-economic condition of Pakistan, Global warming: causes and consequences, social media: blessing or curse, social media pros and cons, and digital democracy.

Other topics included in discourse studies include critical discourse analysis, discourse markers, types of paragraphs, ellipsis and substitution in discourse, types of references, anaphoric and cataphoric references, coherence, and cohesion, and cohesive devices like conjunctions and demonstratives in discourse The syntax section includes syntax examples and how to read examples of syntax. The writing section provides detailed written letters and applications on various topics guiding the learners of the English language. Thus, the Miscellaneous category accommodates all the topics on this site.

Application for Urgent Piece of Work

This post includes an Application for Urgent Piece of Work that you can use in your schools, colleges, universities, or offices for urgent work applications in English. Let’s start with the sample Application for Urgent Work: To, The Principal, (Your school/college/university name), (Your city and country name). Subject: Application for …

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Application for Sick Leave

Application for Sick Leave

This post includes a sample Application for Sick Leave along with the complete format. Start with the definition of application. An application is a document with the information required by an individual or organization to apply for a position, financial grant, or another limited resource. For example, a job application is a document answering …

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Adjective Meaning in Urdu

Adjectives Meaning in Urdu

The definition mentioned below is Adjective meaning in Urdu. An adjective is a word that shows the quality of a noun or pronoun. Examples of adjectives are long, short, red, black, etc. وہ لفظ جو کسی اسم یا ضمیر کی کیفیت کو ظاہر کرتا ہو اسے صفت کہتے ہیں۔ صفت …

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50 Adjectives that start with a

An adjective is a part of speech that qualifies as a noun or pronoun. It explains something more about the noun or a pronoun. Adjectives are the content words in English grammar and this post includes some adjectives that start with a. Content words add up to the language with the …

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50 Verbs that Start with W

Verbs that start with W

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 50 Verbs that Start with W. So, let’s begin: A verb is an essential element in …

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50 Verbs that Start with V

Verbs that start with V

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 70 Verbs that Start with V. So, let’s begin: A verb is an essential element in …

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50 Verbs that Start with U

Verbs that start with U

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 50 Verbs that Start with U. So, let’s begin: A verb is an essential element in …

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70 Verbs that Start with T

Verbs that Start with T

SoA verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 70 Verbs that Start with T. So, let’s begin: A verb is an essential element in …

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70 Verbs that Start with S

Verbs that Start with S

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 70 Verbs that Start with S. So, let’s begin: A verb is an essential element in …

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70 Verbs that Start with R

Verbs that Start with R

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes 70 Verbs that Start with r. So, let’s begin: A verb is an essential element in …

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